Antique Organs
America's Best Known Restorer of Antique Organs

Antique Organs
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Pump Organ Picture Tour

Most pump organ owners have absolutely no idea how a pump organ works, or even what the inside of one looks like. So it seemed like a good idea to put together a modest picture tour of the inner workings of a typical 100 year old antique pump organ.

The most typical of all pump organs is called a "parlor" organ because they were usually placed in the parlor (or living room as it is called today). They were generally around four feet high (without a hutch) and a little less than that in width. They were usually made of walnut, or sometimes oak. To build one out of walnut today would cost a small fortune.

As you go through the presentation, I’ll provide you with some commentary on each photo. At the end you should be a little bit more knowledgeable about antique pump organs and how they work.


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