Crating Process for Shipping Restored Organs back to Customers
Once I’ve completed restoring a customer’s organ the next task is constructing a shipping crate. Since
pump organs vary in shape and size a “one-size-fits-all” doesn’t work.
As a consequence, each crate has to be custom built to fit that particular organ, however, before the crate is
built the organ has to be wrapped in protective material.
The organ is next placed on a wooden platform where the sides and top are added. Next the four sides of the
crate are built and added to the base.
At this point the crate is placed on a shipping palate, or skid. This allows a forklift to safely move the
Finally the organ, including the shipping crate, are fully insured and labeled "FRAGILE" for shipping. At
this point the organ could be shipped anywhere in the world. The top of the crate is built so it can easily
be removed for international customs inspection.
(See all four photos below)
