Wilcox & White Organ Company
Unfortunately, this is just about all the information that’s survived the
passing of time on the Wilcox & White Co
The company was located in Meriden, CT 1877-1896; name changed
to Wilcox & White Co., 1897;
Founded by Horace C. Wilcox, a silver-plate manufacturer, and Henry Kirk White, an experienced reed
organ builder, with White's sons James H., Edward H. and Howard. E.H. White was factory superintendent and
developed the Angelus player.
The company went bankrupt in 1921 and its assets and name were acquired by Conway Musical
Industries, a piano manufacturer, in 1922. Serial numbers were assigned in consecutive order. See White, Henry
Serial numbers: 1873 - 18732, 1882 - 11028, 1888 – 32784, 1891 – 44253
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