W. W. Putnam Company
Unfortunately, this is just about all the information that’s survived the
passing of time on the Putnam Co
They had a sales store at 103 West Main St., factory near C.
& O. Railroad tracks in Staunton, VA; started in 1894 by William Wallace Putnam in a back room with two
Putnam, a native of Brattleboro, VT, had previously worked for Estey, then spent nine years with
Bell Organ & Piano Co. in Guelph, Ontario. Later Herbert E. Fox, also of Brattleboro, became a partner.
Fox had also worked for Estey and had been a partner in Bell Organ & Piano Co. - Made
conventional parlor organs such as the Ideal, Putnam and Staunton, as well as the Little Giant folding
Some Ideal organs have been found with Winston-Salem on the stop board. Later became W. W. Putnam
Co., Inc., and between 1920 and 1925 was absorbed by the Basic Furniture Co. of Waynesboro, VA. Serial numbers
(* out of sequence):
1895 - 1117 1906 - 28176 1909 - 45251
1895 - 1320 1906 - 34787 1910 - 49152
1902 - 13863 1907 - 30876* 1910 - 54815
1903 - 18956 1907 - 37923 1916 - 67022
1905 - 26206 1907 – 40065
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