Vocalion Organ Company
The company was located in Meriden, CT; 18 W.
23rd St., and New York, NY 1900;
The company was also known as Aeolian, James Baillie-Hamilton, New York Church Organ Mfg. Co.,
Mason & Risch, S.R. Warren.
The Vocalion organ was sold in Europe as the Gregorian organ.
If you are at all interested in this type of organ you must visit the Vocalion Group’s web site
Serial numbers:
1889 - 589 1893 - 1960/2030 1903 - 4258
1890 - 979 1895 - 2374/2476 1905 - 6660
1892 - 1001 1899 - 3245 1906 - 4778
1892 - 1757 1900 - 3615 1906 - 4801
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