Antique Organs
America's Best Known Restorer of Antique Organs

Antique Organs
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On The Lighter Side

CatsI received an email from someone asking for some pump organ help. The following is a portion from their email:

"I am presently working on an very large Estey pump organ, circa 1903, that has a set of fake pipes that stand about 10 feet tall, when on top of the organ, and the width of the organ is about 80 inches. At one time the organ had a set of foot pumps, and also a way for someone to stand at the side of the organ and opperate a fairly large up and down lift-bar in order to operate the organ's bellows system, probably during a church service. The sad part is that the owner's father, from whom I bought the organ over in Omaha, tore out the bellows section and built a box in the same area for - guess what? - their cats to live in."

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