Antique Organs
America's Best Known Restorer of Antique Organs

Antique Organs
Pickup and Delivery Available in the USA and Canada


History of the Player Organ

As table-top organettes became more established, their restricted range inevitably told against them. Fourteen notes were only enough for the very simplest of music, shared as they were between a melodic range and a few deeper and non-consecutive notes for a rudimentary accompaniment. So there was an inexorable impetus towards the design of roll-operated organs with wider ranges of notes, to stand as attractive pieces of musical furniture in their own right.

The Aeolian Organ - Mechanical Orguinette Company Catalogue - New York - 1886 - Link to History of the Pianola

Click here to view the History of the Pianola - Player Organs on the Pianola Institute's website.

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