Geo. P. Bent Organ Company

Unfortunately, this is just about all the information that’s survived the passing of time on
the Geo. P. Bent Co.
The company was located at 81-83 Jackson in 1883; Washington Blvd. & Sangamon St., 281-289
Wabash Ave., 323-333 South Canal St., Chicago, IL; Crown organs;
George Payne Bent started in 1870 as a sewing machine retailer, added organs and in 1880 began
manufacturing organs and later pianos.Early instruments are marked Geo. R. Bent. In 1902 the factory had a
capacity of 12,000 organs per year.
He was active in trade associations and after retirement was author and editor of "Four Score and
More" a book which he published containing reminiscences of old-timers in the music business of puns on his
name, he gave out his personalized cigars saying, "Have a Bent cigar." The company was renamed Geo. P. Bent Co.
in 1908; probably discontinued organ production in 1915. Later acquired by the Adler Mfg. Co.Serial numbers:
1888 - 18253, 1901 - 8514, 1906 - 89519.
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