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Carhart & Needham Organ Company

Carhart & Needham Organ

The following is just about all the information that’s survived the passing of time.

Carhart & Needham were located on 172 Fulton St., 75-79 E. 13th St., New York, NY 1850-1855; Carhart, Needham & Co., 97-101 E. 23rd St. 1861, 1865.

The Needham Piano & Organ Co. was founded in1846 in Worcester, MA by Elias Parkman Needham and Jeremiah Carhart, but moved to Stanton St., New York in 1848 and in 1850 moved to 13th St. between Third and Fourth Avenues, New York,

They occupied a part of John B. Dunham's piano factory. In 1855 Samuel C. Swartz was admitted as a partner and the company became known as Carhart, Needham & Co. In the same year the factory was moved to 143-147 E. 23rd St.

Swartz died in 1865 and the name reverted to Carhart & Needham until 1868 when Carhart died. The company was then renamed E.P. Needham & Son. In 1880 Needham sold his patents and "practically" retired.

Serial numbers:

1846 - 642 1853 - 2090 1860 - 4386
1847 - 820 1854 - 2520 1862 - 4970
1848 - 940 1856 - 3000 1863 - 5200
1850 - 1400 1858 – 3300

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